Journaling quest


An inner exploration of confidence with self-compassion

Confidence can sometimes feel like a hard-edged thing. It can carry stories that speak of having to have a stiff-upper-lip, needing to man-up and making sure you don't look weak.

These are all deeply challenging mind-sets and rarely help us in the long run.

This Quest helps you explore what true confidence feels like to you

Five days of carefully crafted journaling prompts, with the support of a guide (that's me) and inner wisdom (that's you).

Journaling can often feel like a quest, as we delve more deeply into what's sitting beneath the stories, beliefs and behaviours that make up our everyday.

A safe space to relax and open up to your creativity and curiosity.

My preferred way of journaling, and the practice I recommend is Flow Journaling. Because we can't write as fast as we think, it slows down our brain and helps...

  • Make sense of jumbled thoughts and feelings
  • Reveal more of what you deeply think and feel
  • Cut through the noise of everyday thoughts

Confidence with Compassion

Sign-up today and I'll send you everything you need:

  • A special podcast episode on Flow Journaling
  • Five-days of daily journaling prompts
  • My own journal entries, at the end of the Quest

This mini-course is just £9, a perfect little gift for yourself to explore your inner confidence

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    You're also welcome to join Journaling Quest Live - a chance to further explore your inner, wise voice in a relaxed, safe space. Held on the InsightTimer App - full details will be sent when you sign up to this course.

    Journaling has been (and remains) a vital part of deepening my own compassion - for myself and the world around me. I can't wait to share these prompts with you, to see what unfolds on your own pages.

    About Henny

    Henny works with people who want to make and manage deep and lasting change in their life - professionally and personally. She is a PCC accredited coach, ImageWork practitioner, author, podcaster, public speaker, InsightTimer teacher and retreat host. With 20 years’ experience working in corporate change followed by a period of critical illness, she understands the importance of learning to listen to our own inner wisdom.

    My favourite prompt was writing a letter to myself from the future. It allowed me to dream/visualise what I want."


    "I very much enjoyed the ‘journaling quest’ with you... it allowed me to write about some things that have been on my mind"


    "It's been all kinds of things... good, bad, indifferent, revelatory, joyous, tender, tearful, grounding and I'm looking forward to the next few days together."


    "I loved the quest and have been keeping journaling. What a great idea and really appreciate being able to take part"
