Reflect. Reset. Return. Refreshed.

5 days of transformation

Monday 19 February - Friday 23 February 2024

Early bird ends 5 January 2024

Do you want to create changes in your personal or professional life? Or wish to make shifts in how you're navigating the world and people around you? Or maybe there are beliefs and old stories you know it's time to move on from?

Join us for a week of personal journeying.

Your guides for the week, Henny Flynn and Debbie Pugh, will take you through a carefully created, intuitive process that speaks to your own change journey. Trained in ImageWork, hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Systemic & Constellation coaching they'll share beautiful practices to support you in finding your own path. Focussing on whatever it is that feels most important to you.

This is powerful Work.

Joining you will be 5 other wonderful women. Held safe in the arms of the Lye Valley, in a beautiful, cosy farmhouse, you'll each have your own private room, with time and space for personal rest and reflection in healing nature.

Debbie & Henny share their reflections on the week ahead

There are only 6 spaces for this intentional week. If this is what you need right now, we would love you to join us. Book your place today.

Working with profound compassion, you'll...

  • Transform beliefs, set intentions, learn practices to support you
  • Hold space for self-reflection, deep rest & time in nature
  • Eat nurturing, nourishing food - vegetarian, gluten & dairy-free
  • Have an optional, wonderfully restorative massage
  • Explore your own next steps in a 121 coaching session
  • Share in a closing cacao ceremony, to integrate all the Work

If this is something new for you, or you have questions about any aspect of the week, simply add your email below and we'll be in touch shortly to confirm a time to chat.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Who will be my guides for the week?

    Henny Flynn

    Henny Flynn is an ICF / PCC accredited coach, ImageWork therapist, author, podcaster, public speaker, InsightTimer teacher and retreat host. Her work is founded on deepening self-awareness with profound self-compassion. She has a special interest in supporting people transitioning through major life stages, so they can move forward with greater clarity, calm and confidence.

    Henny shares some thoughts on intention setting using ImageWork

    Debbie Pugh

    Debbie Pugh is an ABNLP accredited Master Coach and Master NLP Practitioner. She is also a hypnotherapist, accredited by The National Hypnotherapy Society and a Timeline Therapist. Debbie specialises in helping her clients improve their confidence and let go of limiting beliefs, release negative emotions and strengthen their egos so they’re able to go and thrive in the world.

    Debbie talks a little about how we'll be using NLP...

    Why is this right for me right now?

    If you know you're ready to embark on the next layer of Work... If you've been through a period of deep change, and you're consolidating all that has happened... If you're open to seeing what this experience could bring you... Then this is right for you.

    What are the dates?

    Monday 19th until Friday 23rd February 2024 (4 nights)

    Where will be be?

    Balanced on the border of Herefordshire, Shropshire and Wales, we'll be in a beautiful secluded farmhouse overlooking the Lye Valley.

    Nearest train stations are Leominster and Ludlow (approx. 25 mins by taxi) or Herefordshire (approx. 45 mins by taxi).

    We'll share more details on arrival times, directions etc once you book.

    What's the cost?

    £1800 early bird, bathroom shared with one other - £2100 full price - 2 rooms remaining

    £1950 early bird, private bathroom - £2250 full price - FULLY BOOKED

    Early bird ends 5 January 2024

    What's included?

    Everything. From your private room to daily practices to lovingly created food to a luxurious massage from our in-house therapist to a private coaching hour to carefully selected gifts that will help you get even more from the week.

    This is all about you.

    A chance to fully sit back into whatever is asking for your attention, in a safe, supportive space.

    How do I join?

    Reserve your room today by clicking the button below.

    Book your place

    To confirm your room, we'll need 50% deposit shortly after you book, with the full amount paid one month before the retreat begins. Payment plans are available.