A special Imagework recording

Wisdom from Within

An inner journey to explore the transformative power of your imagination.

We all experience uncertainty at times. Unsure of which way to turn or what our best next step might be.... perhaps seeking how to access the deepest, wisest part of ourselves - the part we know (or sense) could help us through.

Is there a particular question you're looking to answer in your life right now?

This is your time to seek guidance.

A safe space to relax and open up to your creativity and curiosity.

Ask your question, or simply remain open to whatever your Guide offers to you in the moment.

I'll lead you through the practice, giving you plenty of time for exploration and reflection. You’ll be safely supported throughout.

We’ll begin by coming into deep relaxation, quietening the noisy chattering of the conscious mind. During the 40-minutes together, we'll then take an inner journey to explore the transformative power of the imagination.

ImageWork helps us see the truth within.

If you're not yet familiar with ImageWork, it's active visualisation where your imagination leads the way. I love it - which is why I continually deepen my own knowledge, and why I'd love to share it with you.

Connect with your Inner Guide

Listen to this recording whenever you're looking for guidance


Access your deepest wisdom

  • A brief introduction to get settled
  • Deep relaxation meditation
  • Guided ImageWork to meet your Inner Guide
  • Writing a letter from your Inner Guide to your Self
  • Reflective space for journaling and mark making

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    You'll receive...

    • A downloadable / printable workbook to help guide you
    • Wisdom from Within self-compassion masterclass
    • A deep relaxation meditation to ground you

    This is beautiful Work and a wonderful gift to give your Self.

    About Henny

    Henny works with people who want to make and manage deep and lasting change in their life - professionally and personally. She is a PCC accredited coach, ImageWork practitioner, author, podcaster, public speaker, InsightTimer teacher and retreat host. With 20 years’ experience working in corporate change followed by a period of critical illness, she understands the importance of learning to listen to our own inner wisdom.

    “Delight and gratitude for having done this. Healing.”

    Sophie / UK

    “It was a revelation somehow!”

    Marian / UK

    “Thank you for creating a very safe space”

    Clotilde / Ireland