for compassion

flow journaling

For so many of us journaling can seem like a really great idea... but things get in the way.

Maybe it's something you love but rarely do? Or you're curious but not sure how to begin? Or, perhaps you've simply got out of the habit... and would love to pick up your pen again?

If any of that resonates with you, then this Journaling Quest is designed for you!

This is the very first Quest I created and I'm offering it to you for free.

Two weeks of compassion-based journaling prompts, with the support of a guide (that's me) and inner wisdom (that's you).

join the quest FOR COMPASSION

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Sign-up & I'll send you everything you need:

    • Your quick guide to Flow Journaling
    • Two-weeks of daily journaling prompts
    • My own journal entries from each day

    Get this whole programme of carefully planned, compassion-based prompts for FREE

    • Choose when you do the journaling each day
    • Give yourself the delicious gift of your attention
    • Tap into your subconscious and see what arises

    Journaling has been (and remains) a vital part of deepening my own self-compassion

    It's also what led me to publish 3 books - and I've filled countless others with words that have guided and inspired me over the past 5 years.

    It's been such a powerful tool in helping me make and manage the many changes I've put in place in my own life. And I'm excited to share in part of that journey with you.

    Any questions?

    Why is it called a 'quest'?

    Quest carries the essence of curiosity and courage - both key components of living with compassion.

    And journaling can often feel like a quest, as we delve more deeply into what's sitting beneath the stories, beliefs and behaviours that make up our everyday.

    Why is journaling useful?

    Journaling helps slow down our brain - we can't write as fast as we think. So it helps us make sense of a jumble of thoughts and feelings. It also helps us tap into our subconscious. Revealing more of what we deeply think or feel about something.

    And it helps us listen to our own inner wisdom, without the noise of our everyday thoughts getting in the way.

    What does it cost to join this Journaling Quest?

    This Journaling Quest is completely free, with an option to donate for those who wish to. I choose to offer it this way to make it as accessible as possible, for as many people as possible.

    What if I miss a day?

    That's ok. And there's no right or wrong way to write when you journal either. Just trust that you'll follow the prompts when you can.

    You can always return to any prompts you missed. Or you might enjoy seeing what new thoughts come up if you run through them all again. It's entirely in your hands. Literally.

    Do I have to sit outside on a lichen-covered rock to journal?

    No. But you might like it if you do.

    Do I have to share what I've written?

    No! Absolutely not. Journaling is private. It's between you, your pen and the paper you write on. Some people even write on a whiteboard and wipe it clean afterwards. But if you feel drawn to share, then do so, with trusted other(s). I often share my journaling as it's part of what helps me make sense of the things I wish to say in my books and podcast.

    "I write because I don't know what I think until I read what I say" Flannery O'Connor

    With love